
Well if someone reads this.. yeah good

Well i am a nerd, but like i am nerd. I am surrounded by negativy on the internet

"No bitches", yeah i am nerd lmaoo, i will die alone

But like.. 3 girls?? Yeah, 2 asked for my ig, 1 flirted with me for 8 months

This 1 girl that flirted with me .. i always liked her.. but shes is so beautiful

I didnt believed, she was shy, so i asked for her friends.. and yeah, she only talked about me

I was thinking it was a prank.. but it wasnt! AND I KNEW IT. I STARTED TRYING TO GET A BF FOR HER

Because i was thinking "i'm ugly i'm a nerd, she deserves better"


Thank god 2 girls asked for my ig, i am talking with one right, she is FIRE

Just so you know: if you cut your hair, talk with people, dont stinky and be chill

You will not die alone. NEVER